
*Avengers End Game trailer summed up for those who haven’t seen it yet*

Tony: *dying*

Steve: *crying*

Natasha: *worried*

Bruce: *hurting*

Thor: *mad*

Nebula: *sad*

Clint: *depressed*

The Fandom: *stressed*

Scott fucking Lang: LETS GET THIS BREAD FOLKS!!!!

Johnlock & Orgies




for All
tenderly_wicked, 4 k, explicit. John and his ex-military friends have a nice
private orgy with one private detective.

Team Player by Persiflager, 4 k, explicit. After a
fight with Sherlock, John meets up with his old army mates and blows off some
steam. Sherlock watches the orgy from a window.

Cure For Boredom
by emmagrant01, 81
k, explicit. They’d never talked about sex in the year they’d known each other.
Well, that wasn’t quite correct: Sherlock had never said a word about sex; John
had bemoaned his personal dearth of it on many occasions. John and Sherlock
visit a sex club … for science.

Forget the Cream Filling!
by taylorpotato, 3 k,
explicit. (Locked to AO3.)John is just minding his own business, searching for
naughty videos on the internet. Then he sees a pop-up ad for a police-uniform
fetish website. One of the (very naked) actors looks an awful lot like his flat
mate Sherlock Holmes. He watches the video. You can imagine how that goes.

did you think about series
by Chryse – 6 parts, explicit
Johnlock PWP shorts that involve John and Sherlock trading their sexual
fantasies back and forth as they find ways to act them out. Wows! So Hot!

Belt-Fed Cock by
vulgarweed, 4 k, explicit. Sexy, kinky PWP. Sherlock likes it military, likes
it rough, and dreams of being used an orgy. John sees what he can do about
this. Wows.

by PrettyArbitrary, 1 k, mature.
Omegaverse. Don’t you dare look down your nose at John Watson for his service.
He’s proud to be an army omega. You’ll never know how good he has it.

Out of Seven Royal Marines Agree
by abundantlyqueer, 12 k, explicit. AU of an AU. In some twisted
universe that superficially looks like the Two Two One Bravo Baker universe,
John tells Sherlock that the only way Sherlock gets to top him is if Sherlock
‘works his way up through the ranks’; ie, every guy in the section gets a go at

Like Smoke and Lightning
by Vulgarweed, 4 k, explicit. Bone Fiddle ‘verse – 1970’s American AU.
Urban exile!Sherlock and Vietnam
vet!John explore the seamy southern Gothic underbelly of the fog-shrouded
mountains. Through a new case and an old acquaintance, John learns a bit about
Sherlock’s past and certain elements of his undercover work – just how far was
he willing to go for a case? And just how far will John go with him?

Might be weird but I hope you can help. Do you know of any fics where Sherlock gets like manhandled or grabbed or anything? Thank you


Hey nonny, I’m just not sure exactly where you wanted to go with this? I’ve got a number of BDSM scenario fics where Sherlock gets some rough treatment. I have maybe a few kidnapping sort of fics. Maybe something in here is what you want?


Sherlock gets Manhandled

A Waste of Breath by Chryse, explicit, 95 k. John had
always assumed Sherlock was uninterested, untouchable, married to his work. He
was wrong on all counts. But when Sherlock embarks on a relationship, John
worries that he is in over his head…and this time he might be right.  

Ridiculous by KateAtTheClose,
5 k, teen.  John is the best retrieval
expert in the British army, but why does he have to keep rescuing the same
bloke over and over?

On Your Knees by CatieBrie, 2 k,
explicit. Rough sex, dubcon, BDSM, BAMFJohn, Top!John. Sherlock had sex with a
suspect to get information on a case, and John is furious. He won’t be letting
Sherlock off the hook for this one. (Locked to AO3 users.)

The Handler by
saturn_in_retrograde, 11 k, explicit. Sherlock is injured after a mission and
is resting at Mycroft’s estate, bored out of his mind. That is, until the
handsome Captain John Watson shows up to interview for a job as a dog handler.
Sherlock decides to have some fun with a fake interview, but the Captain might
ultimately have a few lessons for Sherlock about animal behavior… alternate
meeting, BDSM control, BAMF!John, dirty talk.

Picnic by Chryse,
4 k, explicit. A warm summer’s day. A secluded grove. A great many imaginary
penises. Sherlock shares an old fantasy of his with John.

Belt-Fed Cock by
vulgarweed, 4 k, explicit. Sexy, kinky PWP. Sherlock likes it military, likes
it rough, and dreams of being used an orgy. John sees what he can do about
this. Wows.

Scottish!John fic recs? Thank you 😊


Heeey nonny, I like the way you think. Seeing as how I wrote one of these fics, I have to say this is definitely an interest of mine! I will also repost my kiltlock list, because, yum! 😉


John is Scottish

Discerning Tastes by Irrevocably_Sherlocked,
4 k, explicit. Sherlock stays overnight in Edinburgh after a case. He wanders
into a shop to buy a gift for his brother, and finds instead a simply gorgeous
man in a kilt.

A Man May Kiss a Bonnie
hogwartswitch, 2 k, teen. Sherlock Holmes, recently of age, is forced to go to
a Burns Night ceilidh with his family. At first reluctant, he bumps into
newcomer John Watson and finds that the evening won’t be as dull as he feared.

the dead-end case of the kilted
kirkyard killer
by darcylindbergh, 8 k, explicit. Of course, a man
walking about Edinburgh while wearing a dark-patterned kilt was not suspicious
in and of itself. But a man walking about Edinburgh alone, in the night, so
close to the hunting grounds of a serial killer, wearing the costume the killer
preferred to hunt in–now that might be worth looking into. Sherlock stepped
back into the shadows of the buildings and followed after him.

Breakfast in Kabul by alexxphoenix42, 16 k,
explicit.  By the early 2000’s, the
conflict in Afghanistan had become a magnet for journalists, hangers-on, and
all manner of opportunists pouring in from the west. Though Sherlock was dismayed
to find himself in the midst of the sodding mess, one solitary feature looked
to redeem his trip to Kabul. That one thing was a force of nature named John

Warmth by i_ship_an_armada, 1 k,
gen. John visits his cousin in Scotland. An accent and an interesting
conversation ensues. (Locked to AO3 users.)

Alba!lock series by jamlockk, 3 works
gen to explicit. Sherlock has long known he loves John so when an opportunity
presents itself to get John into a kilt, of course Sherlock’s going to take it.
Even if he’ll only have his memories of it, and never John himself…

Ragin’ by
Beccy, 1 k, teen. Sherlock overhears John’s heated phone conversation with
drunk Harriet- and the monumental accent shift that the doctor experiences when
he’s angry.

On the Subject of the
by mydwynter,
3 k, teen. Sherlock decides to woo John by celebrating one of his family
traditions, a Burns Night Supper.



by redscudery, a number of shorts in a series revolving around a certain kilt
and getting either John or Sherlock into it for some sexy times.  Goes from pre-relationship to hot times.
Funny, and hot. Thumbs up!

The Straw Man
by Vulgarweed, 40 k, explicit.
Crossover with “The WickerMan” movie. Just wonderful! Sherlock and John have
been lured to solve the mystery of the disappeared police officer on
SummerIsle. It turns out that they are the new sacrifice, but they must “fuck
or die” spilling seed to appease the Gods. Ritual public sex – John in antlers
and a kilt, Sherlock in a flower wreathe and white robe. Oh GODS YES!

the dead-end case of the kilted
kirkyard killer
by darcylindbergh, 8 k, explicit. Of
course, a man walking about Edinburgh while wearing a dark-patterned kilt was
not suspicious in and of itself. But a man walking about Edinburgh alone, in
the night, so close to the hunting grounds of a serial killer, wearing the
costume the killer preferred to hunt in–now that might be worth looking into.
Sherlock stepped back into the shadows of the buildings and followed after him.

Laddie in the pleats,
Soldier in the sheets
by jamlockk, 2 k, explicit. John’s former colleague Bill Murray is
getting married. Sherlock wants to surprise John but gets more than he
bargained for! (part of a series –Alba!lock)

Dopplegangland by fiveainley_ohmy, 8 k,
explicit. While on holiday in Scotland, Sherlock is approached by a very
flirtatious photographer with a familiar face. John is NOT amused. (Crossover
with WTF, and Cabin Pressure.)

A Military Ball by Sexxica, 4 k, explicit.
John and a younger Sherlock meet at a military ball with John wearing a kilt.

A Man May Kiss a Bonnie
hogwartswitch, 2 k, teen. Sherlock Holmes, recently of age, is forced to go to
a Burns Night ceilidh with his family. At first reluctant, he bumps into
newcomer John Watson and finds that the evening won’t be as dull as he feared.

All the Girls Love a
Book7BrokeMyBrain, 12 k, explicit.  John
is invited to a stag party and a wedding. The related accoutrement suit
Sherlock to a T.

Discerning Tastes by Irrevocably_Sherlocked,
4 k, explicit. Sherlock stays overnight in Edinburgh after a case. He wanders
into a shop to buy a gift for his brother, and finds instead a simply gorgeous
man in a kilt.  

Traditional Scotsman
by Anyawen, 1 k, gen. Swapping
their usual roles, John applies his own deduction skills and Sherlock discovers
a reason to appreciate a bad movie. (Part of a three work series that ends in a

Sticky Sporran by distantstarlight, 7 k,
explicit. John Watson has gone to a party dressed in his family tartan and has
been forced to bring Sherlock with him with unexpected results.

Kilts by standbygo, 3 k, explicit. The
boys get dressed up to go undercover at a Scottish wedding. Hijinks ensue.

You *Shall* Go to the
221b_hound, 3 k, explicit. John’s broken wrist may lead him to missing the
Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers annual dinner. But with Sherlock around to be
fairy godmother, soon there’ll be the Baker Street equivalent of a gown, a
coach, a footman and a surprising dance at the ball. Well, and also debauching

A Wedding, a Kilt, and Angel Eyes to Die
alexxphoenix42, 6 k, explicit. When John agrees to be best man for Harry’s
wedding, he has no idea how much he’s getting into. For starters, the tall
drink of water playing on stage with the band is going to be the death of him.

The Bachelor’s
jberry, 30 k, explicit. After her son is caught in a compromising position,
Victoria Holmes must make arrangements for a quick marriage between Sherlock
Holmes and John Watson.

Sgian Dubh by QuinnAnderson, 2 k,
explicit. Sherlock comes home to find John stood in their sitting room, wearing
a kilt. For some reason, that is inexplicably arousing. Kiltlock PWP.

Do you have any fics where Sherlock comes in his pants?


Hey lovely, try these fics!

Coming in Pants

The One Where Sherlock Comes In His
ellie_hell, 5 k, explicit. The five times Sherlock came in his pants and the
one time he came in someone else’s. Aaarrgggh. Hot kinky sex that remains

Sherlock and John Come
Out (More Or Less By Accident)
by wendymarlowe, 6 k, mature. John overhears Mycroft belittling
Sherlock’s being gay as “just a phase” and pointing out how much he’s
disappointing Mummy. It’s news to John, but being straight doesn’t mean he
can’t be a friend – John snogs Sherlock in front of his brother, apologizes for
insisting they stay in the closet, and pointedly tells Mycroft to run along. Somehow
pretend things end up being real.

Always Wrong, Never
redscudery, 1 k, explicit. Victorian. When Sherlock says “Correct me,
Doctor”, he means “Please pull my hair and make me come in my fine
linen drawers.” John is only too happy to oblige.

Booted by Sexxica, 1 k, explicit.
John and Sherlock have been kidnapped, handcuffed, and stuffed together in a
car boot. How come they can never take these situations seriously?

Twice by arden_scott, 3 k,
explicit. John presses close, brushes his lips against Sherlock’s. “Want you,
love,” he murmurs. “Wanna feel you.” Sherlock sighs at this and melts into the
door. This last case had lasted nearly three weeks, and Sherlock had maintained
his ‘abstinence when working’ rule, only going as far as simple, chaste kisses
for the duration. So now, oh, now, Sherlock is practically gasping for it. Post
case sex, plain and simple.

Paraselene Boy by GubraithianFire, 2 k,
mature. John is a bad boy, and Sherlock is the prim and proper school boy he
wants to mess up, just ruin, set him all on fire.

Bored to Death by
CassidyStark, 1 k, explicit. Sherlock is going out of his mind with boredom and
John comes to his rescue.

The space between by Salambo06, 6 k, explicit.  “It’s for a case,” Sherlock says as soon as
John looks down at his computer. John and Sherlock watch porn together …
for reasons.

Coming Untouched – Johnlock


Sherlock and John Go Clubbing
wendymarlowe, 4 k, explicit. John
pinched the bridge of his nose – even for Sherlock, this was a new level of no
bloody boundaries. “You want me to go with you to a gay club, wait around
twiddling my thumbs while I let you get pawed by a criminal, then out-flirt him
and talk you into coming home with me instead?”

Sherlock Holmes and the
Mysterious Piercing
by Lorelei_Lee, 4 k, explicit. John discovers
by chance that Sherlock has a piercing. To his surprise John can’t stop
thinking about it…

An Obscene Fixation by
justacookieofacumberbatch, 13 k, explicit. Johnlock. Light BDSM. A series of
pornographic videos awakens old feelings and fantasies.

The Christmas Present by Sexxica,
1 k, explicit. PWP. Christmas morning with Sugar Daddy John and his boy

The 16:23 to London by Konfessor2U,
5 k, explicit. Friends to lovers. John and Sherlock are stranded in the middle
of nowhere waiting for a bus back to London. In the cold. In the rain. They’re
going to have to warm up somehow later.

Bruise Break Mend by allonsys_girl, 12 k, explicit.
John’s unsure about the depth and darkness of his desire for Sherlock.
Sherlock’s got a little surprise for him.

Unbounded Domesticity by mistyzeo, 2 k, explicit.
Victorianlock. Holmes and Watson retire together; Holmes takes up the science
of baking, Watson has other pursuits. They are super fucking married, and also